[玛丽]Transak 和 SKALE 合作解决 Web3 游戏的高 Gas 费用和入门挑战



  • Transak + SKALE 整合:全球影响力

  • 对 Web3 游戏及其他领域的影响

  • 创新和成功案例

  • 关于特兰萨克

  • 关于斯卡莱

[新闻稿 – 佛罗里达州迈阿密,2024 年 2 月 29 日]

为了改变 Web3 游戏格局,Transak 和 SKALE 宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,以解决区块链采用的两个最重要障碍:

不可预测的 Gas 费


Transak 是用于入门基础设施的首要 Web3 支付解决方案,为 SKALE(零 Gas 费的领先 Appchain 扩展网络)带来了更多可能性。

这一联盟带来了全面的解决方案:SKALE 以其尖端技术确保了可负担性和可用性,而 Transak 则简化了用户旅程,实现简单高效的进入途径。

Transak 和 SKALE 正在共同消除长期以来阻碍区块链技术大规模采用的障碍。

Transak + SKALE 整合:全球影响力

Dappradar 的一份报告强调,2023 年 Web3 游戏项目投资近 30 亿美元,但比前一年减少了 60% 以上。



Transak 和 SKALE 之间的合作以对大多数人来说实用且负担得起的方式向 180 多个国家/地区打开了 Web3 游戏的大门。

随着 Transak 的整合,SKALE 正在

包括新兴亚洲市场在内的 180 多个国家/地区推出法币到加密货币存款

,让用户可以轻松购买基于区块链的资产并在 20 个 SKALE 应用链上使用。

这种集成不仅简化了交易,还通过将 Transak 的服务直接嵌入到 SKALE dApp 中丰富了用户体验,为开发人员提供了增强参与度的强大工具。

“我们与 SKALE 的合作标志着 Web3 游戏和区块链可访问性方面的重大飞跃。

通过将 SKALE 的零 Gas 费架构与 Transak 简化的入门基础设施相结合,我们正在消除区块链采用的关键障碍,并为全球游戏玩家开辟新的途径。”

Transak 首席技术官 Yeshu Agarwal


对 Web3 游戏及其他领域的影响

SKALE has been a frontrunner in the Web3 gaming space, recognized as the most active gaming chain in 2023 by CoinGecko and boasting the world’s fastest blockchain accolade from Dartmouth.

By eliminating over $4 billion in gas fees and supporting 20 million Unique Active Wallets (UAWs), SKALE has established a robust foundation for growth.

With Transak’s integration, gamers and developers alike can anticipate a more fluid and cost-effective gaming experience, further driving user engagement and platform growth.

To support the Web3 gaming industry and its users, Transak is supporting NFT purchases for as low as $0.01. This opens up the viability of micro-transactions, which is essential for fast-paced AAA and MMORPG games to thrive in a decentralized environment.

“SKALE’s rapid growth and market dominance in Web3 gaming is a testament to a superior user experience created by a modular architecture and zero gas fee economic model. Partnering with Transak strengthens this edge by improving access and reducing costs for users and gamers across the ecosystem. Incorporating Transak’s efficient on-and-off ramp services is a strategic move to drive further growth and empower developers in the SKALE Ecosystem.” – Jack O’Holleran, CEO of SKALE Labs

Innovations and Success Stories

SKALE’s ecosystem brims with innovation, hosting a variety of projects ranging from AAA-quality games to AI integrations. Key highlights include:

  • StrayShot – Integrates NFTs into gameplay, enabling players to mint weapons directly to their wallets.
  • ReHold – Uses SKALE’s infrastructure for cost-effective data storage and transparent transaction recording, saving users thousands in gas fees.
  • Exorde – An AI-based dApp that harnesses SKALE’s zero gas fee environment for efficient data scraping, saving millions in potential costs.

With the integration of Transak’s services into SKALE dApps, gamers can quickly onboard onto trending games, addressing a major challenge in the Web3 gaming landscape.

This ease of transaction is not just a convenience; it’s a game-changer, enabling gamers to fully engage with and benefit from their participation in the SKALE ecosystem.

As SKALE and Transak forge ahead, their collaboration is set to unleash a new wave of innovation and accessibility in the blockchain space. By focusing on user-friendly solutions and technologies, they are addressing the current needs of the blockchain community and shaping the future of Web3 gaming and blockchain utilization.

About Transak

Transak 是领先的 Web3 入门基础设施提供商。

其 API 驱动的解决方案使 Web3 平台能够为来自 180 多个国家/地区的用户提供加密服务,同时抽象化用户 KYC、风险监控和合规性、支付方式和客户支持的复杂性。

Transak 的入口/出口匝道小部件只需几行代码即可集成到应用程序中。

Transak 是 Tachyon 加速器计划的产品,并得到了包括 Consensys 和 Animoca Brands 在内的顶级风险投资公司的支持。

欲了解更多信息,请访问 transak.com 或关注 twitter.com/transak。


SKALE 是世界上最快的区块链,专为安全的以太坊扩展而设计。

SKALE 应用链向最终用户提供零 Gas 费,并具有 AI/ML 智能合约、链上文件存储、链间消息传递和零成本铸币等高级功能。

SKALE 使开发人员能够在几分钟内部署自己的可配置 EVM 区块链,而无需牺牲速度、安全性或去中心化性。

欲了解更多信息,请访问 SKALE.space 或关注 Twitter.com/SKALENetwork。




Transak 和 SKALE 合作解决 Web3 游戏的高 Gas 费和入门挑战的文章首先出现在 CryptoPotato 上。






