[亚伯拉罕]e-Grains 创造历史,成为世界上第一家提供代币化农产品的公司



  • $ESOY 简介:一种开创性的数字资产,彻底改变金融格局

[新闻稿 – 萨尔瓦多圣萨尔瓦多,2024 年 1 月 29 日]

e-Grains 自豪地宣布一项突破性的成就,最近被萨尔瓦多国家数字资产管理委员会 (CNAD) 批准为代币化数字资产发行人。

这一里程碑标志着公司创新和合规之旅的重要篇章,代表着历史性的许可证,使 e-Grains 能够根据国家法规发行由农产品经济权利支持的代币化数字资产。

获得此许可证证明了 e-Grains 对最高道德和安全标准的坚定承诺,增强了投资者和合作伙伴对我们的信任。


对于 e-Grains 的未来而言,该许可证在扩大公司在萨尔瓦多及其他地区的业务方面发挥着关键作用。




$ESOY 简介:一种开创性的数字资产,彻底改变金融格局

凭借这一历史性的批准,e-Grains 自豪地推出了根据该授权发行的第一个代币:$ESOY。

$ESOY 代币是一种开创性的数字资产,以其独特的功能彻底改变了金融格局。

$ESOY 代币的发行上限为 100,000,000 美元等值。

e-Grains, in a strategic collaboration with industry leaders such as Consensys, Fireblocks, and Polygon Labs, underscores its commitment to excellence, ensuring seamless integration with Compliant DeFi Protocols and unlocking new possibilities for investors. The deployment of $ESOY across Polygon and Ethereum blockchains not only showcases versatility but also positions e-Grains to tap into a ≈$29 billion TVL Market per DeFi Llama, laying a robust foundation for ESOY’s growth in the decentralized finance ecosystem. This institutional partnership signifies trust and reliability, offering institutions engaging with ESOY the expertise and security measures provided by these industry giants, instilling confidence in both the digital asset and the market.

The $ESOY token offers the ability to trade 24/7, providing investors with unprecedented flexibility and accessibility to the markets. What sets $ESOY apart is its unwavering commitment to stability, as it is backed 100% by the rights on International Physical and Futures Contracts for Soybeans, a timeless and globally known commodity, a tangible asset that has stood the test of time.

Investors can take advantage of the opportunity to invest directly in one of the largest and most significant primary resources on the planet, diversifying their portfolios with a trusted asset class. $ESOY opens the door to arbitrage opportunities, allowing investors to capitalize on price differences between $ESOY and other Soybean contracts.

This is a strategic advantage for those looking to optimize their yields. Investors also have the flexibility to choose from multiple settlement options tailored to their specific needs, ensuring a seamless and personalized experience. In addition, $ESOY can serve as an effective hedging tool, allowing investors to protect and stabilize their portfolio positions with a tangible commodity, mitigating risk and improving overall portfolio performance.

e-Grains continues to steadfastly pursue its mission of shaping the future of tokenized digital assets with integrity and forward-thinking vision. e-Grain looks forward to the exciting prospects and are eager to contribute to the transformative landscape of the digital asset industry.

About e-Grains:

e-Grains, a trailblazer in agrocommodity investment, redefines the sector by offering a diverse portfolio of tokenized agricultural commodities, backed 100% by tangible assets. Our mission is to innovate, providing a transparent, flexible, and accessible gateway to agrocommodity investment.

As a part of eNor Group, e-Grains leverages global expertise and strategic partnerships, introducing tokens backed by the rights on vital agrocommodities such as soy, sugar, coffee, and corn. These tokens, embedded within Financial and Custody Contracts-Guarantees, serve as a bridge, facilitating funding for companies and creating investment opportunities in blockchain-based markets.

e-Grains 是此内容的来源。





Rodrigo Rodrigues Mendes



+55 11 950238100


Bruno Leon Winik


+55 11 946004601

e-Grains 作为世界上第一家提供代币化农产品的公司创造了历史,该帖子首先出现在 CryptoPotato 上。






